Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Resolutions

A New Year is upon us and although I have never been very good at keeping my new years resolutions I resolve that this year will be different.  ;-P

There are many thing that I want to improve on but there are a few that are more important to me right now.

My New Years Resolutions are as follows:
1. Stay within my $5 a day budget
2. Menu plan and stick to it (eat out less)
3. Eat healthier and get more exercise
4. Get more food storage and Emergency Preparedness items
5. Keep my room and house cleaner and more organized
6. Use a day planner to remember important dates and events

So far I am not doing too well on 1, 2 and 3 but 4, 5and 6 are going really well, I have a plan for buying food storage (not part of the $5 a day plan),  my room is more organized and I have been using my day planner since I bought it. 

What are some of your New Years Resolutions?


  1. Those sound like great goals. I am glad you are doing well on half of them. And you have all year to perfect the other half. My resolutions are all churchy this year: read scriptures, family prayer, and temple attendance. I have kept the goals reachable, and while they may not be as frequently as they should be, if I reach my goals it will be a lot more than I have been doing. I found if I make the goals too high, when I start not achieving them I stop trying altogether.

  2. My main goal for this year is to get my husband to be more involved in the lives of his children. Other than that, I want to try a ton of new allergen free recipes for my 6 year old.
